Sheep aren’t the most sensible of creatures, and leaving a pen of newly born lambs and their mums to their own devices can result in chaos. Lots of the enthusiastic new mums aren’t quite sure which baby is theirs, so there’s lots of milling about going on. And going in there to sort them out isn’t easy either what with lambs doing figures of eight around your legs and bleating very loudly.
There’s the occasional disaster when a young ewe won’t accept a lamb and if it can’t be fostered on another ewe then it has to be bottle fed at regular intervals. Bottle fed lambs are so sweet when they’re tiny but soon grow into noisy demanding creatures that charge into your legs when they think you’ve got food for them. So then you have bruised legs to add to the bags under your eyes!
A farmers life isn’t an easy one at lambing time, and though it’s wonderful to see the fields full of new life and energy, let’s not forget the hard work that’s gone in to making sure that the new crop of lambs arrive in this world safe and sound.
Ystrad Farm Lambing Photos